"I set out to lose 25 pounds, and I lost 40!"

By Kim F.

"I started seeing 'saddle bags' on my thighs," Kim Frahm recalls. "My size-14 clothes were getting tight. Even my dad was calling me his 'fluffy daughter.'" So Kim decided to take action. "When I saw my dad totally change his body using the Herbalife® weight management products," she says, "I agreed to give the program a try." "I'm still pinching myself about how much weight I've lost!" "After my first shake," Kim says, "I was surprised at how full and satisfied I felt. And after my third day on the program, I actually had the energy–finally–to play with my boys!" Soon Kim's clothes began to fit less snugly, and she went on to go from a size 14+ to a size 4-6. "No more cravings, no more exhaustion–and no more saddle bags!" Kim exclaims. "I still can't believe how much these products have improved my life!"*

Here's How:

  • Have a specific goal in mind. For me, it was losing 25 pounds.
  • Get out there and test your energy; you'll feel it increasing almost right away.
  • Favorites: These delicious Formula 1 shakes! They're as tasty as the junk food I used to crave.
Before: 177
After: 137
Pounds Lost: 40 Kg
"*Herbalife products are not to treat, diagnose or cure any illness. They are not a substitute for medical treatment or medication. If you are under doctor's care, have been diagnosed with a condition or are taking prescribed medications, you should have a conversation with your healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle, including the use of any food products.”